Sunday, February 8, 2015


This week has definitely been really challenging and full of new things to me.

It has been good to read about Project Based Learning since it took me back to some old files about projects that I empirically had created few years ago for some intermediate classes. I have been able to see that I was on the right track about assessing the process rather than the final result. And it has been amazing to reflect on how they all can be enhanced with the technology. PBL is motivating and merging it with technology I guess students would just be fascinated because they would find the tasks to be done simply meaningful and more authentic and similar to their real life.

Reading about alternative assessment and rubrics has simply broadened my mind when thinking about giving my students their marks. It has been challenging to make up our own rubrics for a task and I have to honestly confess how relieved I felt having finished it.
Creating the rubric might seem extra work, but thinking about the benefits it provide to both teacher and students I think they are good to be used.

Working on the Extra and optional task given this week, has helped me deepen the topic of Webquest which I was afraid of. I have tried to follow the steps on a small scale project. I guess students are used to research on the web. They would just love it. 
I created one on vocabulary about verb phrases with MIND. It probably look simple, but it took me long to do it, I love illustrations and for some reason I never could.

The last thing I have worked on this week, due to a misunderstanding, is about my Project. We are supposed to provide a solution to a problem we have in the class we previously described. I have been suggested to address on the problem of listening rather than on the speaking innacuracy. There seemsto be more technological tools on listening. 
I have decided to create a blog as a tool to give my student some links where they can do some tasks to develop their listening skills. I am a bit concerned about assessment and the fact of creating rubric has actually made me think about doing the same through webquest. 


  1. Dear Belinda,

    You have made some achievement with your blog. First, it looks attractive and second, your experience is good to be read. I notice that you have been suggested not to address the problem of speaking inaccurately. I don't understand why. Is this problem not important?

    Thank you for explaining it to me.

    Vital, (Cote d'Ivoire.)

  2. Dear Vital,
    Thank you for your comments.
    Regarding your questions was actually Russell's suggestion since he told me that trying to use tehcnology to develop speaking was going to be harder and suggested addressing on listening.

